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This site bears all the information you can ever want about the W.I.T.C.H. fanfiction story series "the Former Guardians", including news on upcoming story events, character galleries, polls, and a link to where this story is published.

A special thanks to all who visit this site and take the time to explore all it has to offer. Many an hour was spent editing it, so please, enjoy!

Well! We are already well under way into the second 'season' of "the Former Guardians". What's going to happen, you say? Well, you might get a few hints here! So check back often to get the latest scoop.

Update: February 1, 2007

A new section has been put up-- the 'Character Casting' section. I've been wanting to post it for a long time, but some castings proved harder than others. The ones that I've had in mind since before I even started the story, like Wilona and Sydrin, stayed the same throughout the casting period. On the other hand, Ash got exchanged many times, followed closely by Dante and Nerissa. I think those that I kept closest to heart were the hardest to decide on. Yan Lin, by far, was the easiest. I saw that picture I have posted and immediately saw Yan Lin staring back. She wins the prize for the shortest casting period.

But all in all, the page finally got put up, and I am rather proud of my decisions. Some are so overwhelming perfect for my mind's eye view that my heart bursts at the sight of them.

And for those of you wondering where Steve West is-- don't worry. He will be up soon, as well as a couple of new characters coming up in the story... *wink wink*.

That's all the news for now-- until next time!

Update: January 15, 2007

Rumors are abounding about Dante and Halinor! The response for the pair has been more than any other before them. Their fate has yet to be revealed, but already a few readers are wishing for them to pair up. I will admit I didn't expect that AT ALL. I thought people would react to Dante like they would any other baddie, but instead he's becoming the subject of much speculation and pity.
Dante = the new Draco Malfoy?
I wouldn't go so far as to say that. But there are definite similaries. They both are thrust into the world of confused evil-hood by their upbringing. They both have more than meets the eye. They both are tempted by the realm of good and getting more disillilusioned by 'the dark side' by the minute. This was never my intention but it's definitely ironic.
As for Halinor, she appears to be quite a problem for Dante mentally, and is stirring up good-sided thoughts in Dante's head that he's having to fight off more and more. But it is yet to be determined: is he drawn to the good side because of finally seeing the other side of the spectrum, or is it because it's Halinor doing the persuading? Hmm...


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If you have any other news that you would like to add, or if you have anything else to say, feel free to comment RedRogue below.

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Disclaimer: I do not own W.I.T.C.H. or any characters affiliated with them. They are all trademarks of Disney Inc.